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Facet Joint Injections

A facet injection is a minimally invasive treatment option for pain caused by inflamed facet joints or arthritis of the spine. Facet joint pain is often related to spinal stenosis, sciatica or arthritis and is characterized by neck, arm, low back or leg pain. Each vertebra has facet joints that connect it to the vertebra above and below. The injection may also be used as a diagnostic test to determine if facet joint inflammation is the source of a patient’s pain.

A facet injection is a combination of a long-lasting steroid and a local anesthetic that are injected either into the joint capsule or its surrounding tissue. The steroid reduces inflammation and can relieve pain. This procedure can be repeated for those who experience successful pain relief.

What to Expect:

  • The procedure will be performed in an operation room with conscious sedation.

  • The procedure may take up to two to three weeks to take full effect.

  • Your symptoms may feel worse in the first few days before it gets better.
  • After the procedure, patients will take the rest of the day off.
  • You will be able to resume normal daily activities the next day.
  • You will be asked to refrain from eating or drinking for the six hours leading up to your procedure.
  • A driver will need to take you home after the procedure.